
Laurel Fire responds to house fire

Thursday, May 28, 2020
Earlier tonight at 1800hrs, the Laurel, Blades, and Delmar Fire Departments responded to a reported house fire on Webb Ave. Deputy Chief Layton arrived POV to find smoke showing from under the house. 81 Command went responding with Asst Chief Lowe along with Engine 81-4 right behind him with 6. Engine 4 arrived first and pulled past the structure to leave room for the truck and deployed a hand line to the front door. Rescue 74 arrived and staged out the way and sent their crew inside to assist Engine 4s crew. Tower 81 arrived and took position on the A side and prepared to set up. Towers crew threw ground ladders on the A, B, and C sides. Engine 81-3 arrived and staged at a hydrant. Crews investigated and found a small fire in the heater vent. Fire was put out with a water can and put a fan to the front door for ventilation. Situation was placed under control and held to units on scene. Engine 74-3 was sent to cover Station 81. Units on scene: 81 Command, 81-4, Tower 81, 81-3, 81-2, A81, Rescue 74, 71-3, and SCEMS.

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